Magic is a uniting force around the world. It’s something we can all hold onto and appreciate, and it’s something we could all use a little more of. Princesses and fairytales are full of magic. Children and adults alike are drawn to these characters and stories because they’re comforting, hopeful, and they just make us happy.

Princess characters are beacons of light who devote themselves to making their kingdoms better and generously helping their friends in need. They’re exactly the type of characters we would expect to throw themselves into charitable work in the real world due to their selfless nature and genuine kindness. The Princess Party Co. in Portland has taken a page out of the storybooks to make sure that our princesses do as much good as the ones in fairytales.

How The Princess Party Co. in Portland Participates in Charity

Sharing Princess Magic

Our princess performers are the best of the best, and they’re as passionate about charity work as we are as a company. There are two main ways our princesses are involved with charity work.

The first way our princess performers take part in charity is by appearing at events like fundraisers, benefits, galas, awareness events, and charity walks. It’s an honor to be asked to appear at events as important as these, and whether they are the main attraction or are meant to wander through the crowds, they will exude a royal charm worthy of their fictional counterparts.

Similarly, our princesses bring their signature warmth to ill children during individual home visits. These children are in need of a little hope and joy, and that’s exactly what princesses can bring them. We want to bring the magic of fairytales to these deserving children as a way to lift their spirits. A smile and a hug can go a long way to give a child a better, brighter day.

Hopefully, this is only the beginning of our charitable efforts. We are committed to doing our part for the Portland community and are always looking for new opportunities to get involved!

What Charity Means to Us

The Princess Party Co. in Portland is passionate about charity. We know that with our abundance of magic, dedicated princess performers, and vast network, we can truly make a difference. We want to share magic with those in need of hope, and we have the ability to do so by performing princess parties and visits for both individuals and charities.

It’s a great feeling to know that we are able to do good things for the Portland community just by offering our princesses to bring hope, light, and joy to those who could really use some. We hope to continue our charity work for years to come, and we’re excited to see what’s next for us.

What You Can Do To Help

Your princess party is going to do a whole lot of good. Not just for your little girl, who will be delighted beyond belief at meeting her favorite princess, but also for another child in need. This is because for every princess party we do for a child like yours, we set aside a little of what we make to put toward donating a show in the future. These shows are for ill and less fortunate children who could use some hope, and in a way, you’re helping to give it to them.

You can also help us out by interacting with us on social media. Post photos from your little girl’s princess party so others can see just how magical it was. Tagging us, liking, and sharing our page helps us grow our clientele, which in turn makes it so that we are able to do more charity work for more worthy causes.